I had two candle holders on my site for months (pictured) and while they had gotten more than 229 views and had a few "favorites," they just weren't selling. When items are listed on Etsy, they have an expiration date. You can easily re-list the items and I had re-listed these twice, the cost is minimal. But, with these candle holders something just bothered me. I personally thought they were just too plain, and honestly, kind of boring. So, when they expired this time, I pulled them out completely.
Today I started to really look at them and found a cool way to embellish them a little, to really make them more "art" and less "houseware" type pieces. I've decided to cover the bases with some wonderful little scraps of paper from a vintage geometry book, titled "Practical Mathematics, Part III, Geometry" circa 1912. The book has wonderful little drawings and formulas through out it. I'm designing a collage of miscellaneous math to cover cover the bases of the candle holders. Above that, I'll take some great black wire that I recently acquired and embellish the upper, curvy, portion of the holder. The wire will come up above the top and somewhat encase the candles themselves. Can you see it? It's going to be cool.
Sounds really cool! Can't wait to see 'em.